Form is required to authorize the SDUHSD athletic training staff to evaluate & treat any injuries/illness incurred by the student athlete.

Form is kept on file for rare instances when a bus cannot be provided.

Students CANNOT drive other students.

  • Athletes must upload ALL OF THE REQUESTED ITEMS that are applicable to their status before submission.
  • ​Athletes will be cleared after review of documents.
  • You are only cleared once you have received the confirmation email.
  • Apple iPhone's [.HEIC] files will not open, and you will be denied. Please convert to [.jpg, .jpeg, or .png] before uploading.
  • ​Please DO NOT upload Immunizations!
  • The process of clearance manually done and requires the Athletic Dept. to look over each item to ensure safety of our atheltes.
  • ​The list of cleared athletes is given to each coach as updated.
  • Please remember to click Save & Continue to "complete" your application. Otherwise, your status would be "In Progress" on our end, and we do not have the controls to clear you, even if all the documentation is uploaded.
  • ​If you're denied, you will get an email (to the account that signed up) describing the reason of the denial. Log in and fix the issues and be patient as we manually check every document.

Report Card 

  • You must get cleared every school year.


  • You must be cleared BEFORE ​tryouts otherwise you cannot participate. 

  • Complete before the window ends: Anyone trying to be cleared after the window closes may not be cleared in time for tryouts.  Anyone trying to be cleared on the day of tryouts will NOT be cleared.

  • Please be sure to complete and/or correct your registration in a timely manner. (Athletes are not automatically approved as it takes time to review/clear other athletes)

  • If you are DENIED, you will get an email to the account holder with the reason, and you will remain in that status until we have a chance to review your corrections. Thank you for your patience.

  • Athletes must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and complete at least 15 UNITS per grading period to PARTICIPATE in athletics. Eligibility is checked at each grading period. Ineligible athletes will be unable to participate until grades have been officially posted for the NEXT grading period.

  • If approved by a coach to be a TEAM MANAGER, you still must fully register online for that team. You DO NOT need to upload documents.

  • DO NOT upload a PE Credit Contract. Those must be turned in electronically (see PE Credit tab). Thank you!

Pre-Enrollment Contact


Use of Private Automobile Form


ALL new students (Freshman and/or transfers) must fill out the CIF-510 Form.  If there has been pre-enrollment contact (item #4, please also provide a written statement outlining the contact)


CCA Athletic Transfer Worksheet (Mandatory for ALL Transfers)


ALL athletic clearance questions should be directed to the Athletics Secretary, Nancy: or by phone 858-350-0253 ex 4038


1) Pre-Enrollment Contact (510) Form

​2) CCA Transfer Worksheet

​**Moved into the area, you must complete the Valid Change of Residence form and provide all documents outlined in the form. THIS IS MANDATORY IF YOU ARE A TRANSFER!

- See CIF Website for other forms needed if Valid Change of Residence is being claimed

- Note that processing transfers take time. Please be patient with your status. You can tryout and practice while approval is pending, but you CANNOT participate in any contest.



​ Clearance


ONLY NEEDED FOR FALL SPORTS. We use Spring 2024 Grades. We will be doing a grade check once grades are posted for Q1 Progress.  You MUST have a 2.0 to participate in games, but you can still tryout with <2.0


Opens June 1 2024

Due by 1st day of tryouts


Opens June 1 2024

​Due by 1st day of tryouts

Medical Eligibility Form 

Scroll down to see links and more information regarding all Required Files that athletes need to upload.


Athletic Trainer Consent to Treat


​If you have any further questions about the Clearance process, 

please contact the CCA Athletic Office at 858-350-0253 x 4038 or

Transfer Forms

Copy of Medical Insurance Card

Opens June 1 2024

​Due by 1st day of tryouts

- Filled, signed, dated and STAMPED by a USA licensed health care professional who conducts the student's physical.

Must be dated AFTER JUNE 1 2024

​- **DO NOT submit the Health History or Physical Forms. These are meant to be filled out prior to attending your physical for the doctor to review and kept for YOUR records.  

Front AND Back of card.

​Student's name must be listed as insured.

** TriCare use this linkto get proof of insurance

​Need Student Accident Insurance? CLICK HERE