858-350-0253 x 4038
Brianna Corallo
2:00 pm - end of athletic day
i.e. end of last practice or game
CCA Athletic Director
2024-25 Head Coaches
Badminton (Co-Ed) | Phil Chiang | gameking1007@yahoo.com.tw |
Baseball | Ryan Mikkonen | ryan.mikkonen@sduhsd.net |
Boys Basketball | Brian Baum | brian.baum@sduhsd.net |
Girls Basketball | TBD | |
Girls Beach Volleyball | Garrett Happ | garrett.happ@sduhsd.net |
Boys Cross Country | Andy Corman | andrew.corman@sduhsd.net |
Girls Cross Country | Andy Corman | andrew.corman@sduhsd.net |
Field Hockey | Rachel Flanagan | dr.bowden22@gmail.com |
Girls Flag Football | Ryan Mikkonen | ryan.mikkonen@sduhsd.net |
Boys Golf | Tom Lockhart | tom.lockhart@sdhusd.net |
Girls Golf | Tom Lockhart | Tom.lockhart@sduhsd.net |
Boys Lacrosse | Alex Siegal | alex.siegel@sduhsd.net |
Girls Lacrosse | Holly Austin | holly.austin@sduhsd.net |
Boys Soccer | Tom Lockhart | tom.lockhart@sduhsd.net |
Girls Soccer | Matt Favor | mattfavor@gmail.com |
Softball | Micah Rutkoff | coachmicah.cca@gmail.com |
Swim & Dive | Phil Disney | coachphildisney@gmail.com |
Boys Tennis | Kevin Brown | kbcca10s@gmail.com |
Girls Tennis | Kevin Brown | kbcca10s@gmail.com |
Boys Track & Field | Andy Corman | andrew.corman@sduhsd.net |
Girls Track & Field | Erica Carnahan | ericacarnahan@gmail.com |
Boys Volleyball | TBD | |
Girls Volleyball | TBD | |
Boys Water Polo | Noah Tiu | ntiu1997@gmail.com |
Girls Water Polo | Phil Disney | coachphildisney@gmail.com |
Wrestling (Co-Ed) | TBD |
CCA Athletic Trainer
Shane Brown
CIF Rules do not permit parents or athletes to contact coaches prior to enrollment. If you are a prospective Raven in middle school or below, you must wait to speak to a coach until after the 8th grade promotion date.
You can contact the Athletics office or Counseling office for general questions.
858-350-0253 x 4061
CCA Athletics Office
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Designed by Katy Tseng.